Monday, May 24, 2010

Twitter Tag #Budgies offends opposition...well i'm still offended from seeing Abbot in budgies

Another round for gAybbot. So some political square, Senator Cormann infact, has complained about the hash tag #Budgies when referring to opposition leader Abbot on twitter. More specifically Senator Bormann was chucking a tanty at ABC for using the tag in the context of Abbot's budget speech to parliament...oh scandal. Whatevs.

What's got me going however, is the question raised; since when did the media try to be relevant to micro blogging sectors? eh? 

Does this mean public opinion will sway from the vice like grip of "the black art of politics". Public opinion has previously been mediated by the mechanics of politics in regards to access and angle of information (Anti-Discrimination Board of NSW 2003).Here's the equation: News uses race as an angle + results in discrimination and vilification based on race or culture = Human Rights issue.

Another human rights issue is the worlds exposure to the image of Abbot in budgie smugglers. ahhhhh.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

GenerationOne, apart from celebrity speeches wtf is it doing?

"You are beginning to deal with a problem that has been festering but can be resolved and needs to be resolved if the potential of this country is to be genuinely realised. And I don't mean that in any emotional sense or a cultural sense, I mean it in an economic sense."

This is part o' the speech! given by Sir Bob Geldof, that has pissed some high brow smarmy cats off. While I hold his sentiments, stick it to the man whatevs. My festering fucking problem is what the freaking relevance of some Irish rocker talking about exile is going to do! I agree this is an integral problem the process of 'invasion' (it's not colonisation, that's false legal jargon) has created a false representation of Indigenous identity. BUT I want to know what the endgame for the OneGen program is?!

Dude cudos to the concept "economically illiterate" though, Australia "have a go", but Aus has removed from our society of "having a go, five thousand of our own".

Really I just want some answers, what does this program achieve, does it not just follow the line of paternalistic policies, isn't it feeding representation based on the exteriority somewhat presided by the presence of truism? This is realised in the assumption that if the “Other” could represent itself it would, but it cannot so the representation generated by the dominate mode of the west pervades reality (Said 1987:21).

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Abbot at it again

So opposition leader Abbot lets everyone know, something only the dimwitted already didn't know, that all politicians lie.
Abbots somewhat fatal performance on 7:30 report last night (mon 18th) shows what a real horror show retard he is. Publicly announcing his bullshitting techniques and that of politics in general. The only dribble to pass their lips in his opion that is to be taken as
"gospel" are "carefully prepared and scripted remarks"
BEWARE, oh no politicians lie, how ghastly....check for the interview with gAybbott.